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Scientific References

There is a tremendous amount of research that has shown low cholesterol levels being associated with a myriad of health conditions. Listed below are various scientific references validating this fact:

Cancer Risk and Premature Death

1. Jacobs D, et al. Report of the conference on low blood cholesterol: mortality associations. Circulation 1992;86(3):1046-60

2. Alawi A, et al. Statins, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, and Risk of Cancer. Journal of the American College of Cardiologists 2008;52(14):1141-7

3. Yang X, et al. Independent associations between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cancer among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2008;179(5):427-437

4. Schatzkin A, et al. Serum cholesterol and cancer in the NHANES I epidemiologic follow up study. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Lancet 1987;2:298-301


1. Ancelin ML, et al. Gender and genotype modulation of the association between lipid levels and depressive symptomatology in community-dwelling elderly (the ESPRIT study). Biol Psychiatry 2010;68(2):125-32

Mental Health Conditions (increased potential risk for suicide, aggressive and violent behavior, personality disorders, etc.)

1. Martinez-Carpio PA, et al. Relation between cholesterol levels and neuropsychiatric disorders. Rev Neurol 2009;48(5):261-4

Concerns Over Heart Disease and Elderly (more than just a cholesterol problem)

1. Krumholz HM, et al. Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 years. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994;272:1335-1340

2. Simons LA, et al. Cholesterol and other lipids predict coronary heart disease and ischaemic stroke in the elderly, but only in those below 70 years. Atherosclerosis 2001;159:201-208

3. Chyou PH, et al. Serum cholesterol concentrations and all-cause mortality in older people. Age and Aging 2000;29:69-74